Bird watching holidays in UK
Stay with a group in a large holiday house and visit bird habitat and RSPB reserves. Outdoor enthusiasts and bird watchers accommodation.
Group of bird lovers looking for self-catering holiday accommodation?
According to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) some 2.85 million adults (over the age of 15) in the UK go birdwatching every year. And thanks to the efforts of the RSPB along with the Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, bird-life in the UK is flourishing. More people than ever enjoy the delights of this hobby, not only enjoying the environmental responsibility of reporting their sightings to the County Bird Recorder and Bird-track websites, but also the social aspects connected with this, one of the most relaxing of outdoor pursuits.

What was once seen as the eccentric preserve of two people in wax jackets with their binoculars heading off to a local lakeside retreat has now become a regular group activity for people and their friends. Bird watching and photography often go hand in hand. Locations such as Dumfries and Galloway, the Farne Islands off the Northumberland coast, Devon’s Exe estuary, Rutland Water and Minsmere in Suffolk attract groups of people who regularly take part in this leisurely and enjoyable pastime of bird watching and bird spotting. Nature reserves provide amazing wildlife watching, web cambs, talks by bird experts and workshops.
Where to see birds and when to visit?
Thorough out UK there is stunning bird life, our editors top picks for a holiday break are:
April to October:
Often earlier the better in the season, rare birds in Isles of Scilly, Cornwall.
October to March
Bird watching in Scottish borders: ducks, geese and swans arrive - Caerlaverock WWT Centre, Dumfries and Galloway.
Strangford Lough in Northern Ireland has hides, walks, talks and family bird watching activities - Castle Espie WWT Centre, Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland
November to February
A boat trip on The Exe estuary, RSPB birdwatching cruises with expert commentary - also bird lovers courses workshops and demonstrations Exe estuary, Devon
May to July
Farne Islands, Northumberland - the place to see Britain's seabird colonies, most famous for puffins and grey seals. Farne Islands

Bird watchers houses to rent
If you are looking for complete, under-one-roof accommodation for your bird-watching group, then Largeholidayhouse.com could have exactly what you are seeking - for weekly rentals and weekend breaks. With big groups in mind, providing larger house accommodation to enable groups to essentially be together under one roof. This is especially practical for those wishing to attend a workshop or learn the gentle art of bird-watching as a group. It also means sessions can be organised whereby no one has to live off-site and there is no waiting around for people to arrive from other off-site locations - just remeber to take binoculars for a closer look at the wildlife.